
L’Épicerie Locale, Solidaire & Éthique

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The organisation

ELSE, which has the status of a "association de loi 1901", was founded in 2008 by two researchers and two students of Ecole polytechnique. The grocery is an organisation that sells mainly local goods, some of them even produced on the "plateau de Saclay".

We have three main goals:

  1. Act in a sustainable way,
  2. Provide food supply on campus,
  3. Sensitize people to good and respectful products, mainly food.

A project rewarded

At its creation, the organisation took part in a contest for ecological projects: les trophées Planet-D. More than 15 000 students presented almost 300 projects. Several months later, in January 2009, the results were revealed: ELSE came second and earned a most certain recognition from the jury, as well as a prize of 2 500 euros.

Status of the organisation