Welcome to the website of the Epicerie Locale, Solidaire et Ethique (Local, Fair and Ethical Grocery) on École polytechnique campus.
- You can find informations about the products available: fruits and vegetables, bread and cookies, baskets of organic and local vegetables ("paniers AMAP"), fairtrade products...
- Once you've completed your inscription, you can order directly on this website.
- You will also find here informations about the grocery and its suppliers.
The organisation
ELSE is a student organisation (association loi 1901) open to all students and staff on the campus, whose customers are mainly its members. Membership is free and can be asked at any time by sending an email to contact@else.polytechnique.org.

The organisation doesn't make any profit, thus all members are volunteers. Yet we smile all day along! We need willingness and dynamism from all of you to keep the grocery running: your help will always be most welcome.
To conclude, let's remind you why we are here: to offer everybody quality products, for you and for our planet.
Access to the grocery
The grocery is located between the Bôbar and the langues department. If you come during the opening hours, there will always be someone to welcome you. Do not hesitate to come and say hello when it's open :)